Throughout each school year, a consultant from the San Diego Psychoanalytic Center meets with teachers and the director to discuss child development and current trends. All information and discussions are kept confidential. The dynamics of groups are also assessed to help provide a clearer pathway toward building successful relationships with the children as individuals and to foster a positive group setting.
The Hanna Fenichel Center is named in memory of Dr. Hanna Fenichel, a psychoanalyst and educator known for her work in the field of early child development and for her association with The School for Nursery Years in Los Angeles.
The Hanna Fenichel Center was founded in 1975 by the Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. Members of the Institute continue to participate on the Board of Trustees and provide support to the Center. The school has been endorsed and its philosophy is based on a distinguished group of international professionals in early childhood development including: Erik Erikson, Rudolph Ekstein, Ph.D., Anna Freud, Merton Gil, M.D., and Ralph R. Greenson, M.D.