The Pinball Wizard: Sadomasochism, Separation Anxiety, and Learning Inhibitions: A Clinical Presentation of the Analysis of an Adolescent

This clinical presentation provides an opportunity to understand the unfolding development of sadistic sexual perversions, separation anxiety, and learning inhibitions. The material is very relevant to adult analysts and psychotherapists, as well as those working with children and adolescents. The case demonstrates the way in which the framework of analytic treatment supports the regression needed for an unfolding and working through of complex unconscious fantasies.


Friday, November 11, 2011 - 7:30pm to 9:30pm
7:00 PM - Wine & Cheese



4455 Morena Boulevard, Suite 202
San Diego, CA 92117
United States
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Free for SDPC Members
$25 for Non-members
$15 for Students

Educational Objective(s)

  • Demonstrate that some sadomasochistic perversions are a defense against overwhelming separation anxiety.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of working in the transference when working through childhood traumas.
  • Work with the awareness that some learning inhibitions are defensive in nature and can be resolved with psychodynamically informed treatment.Sarah Knox, M.D. is an Adult, Adolescent, and Child Training and Supervising Analyst at the Cincinnati Psychoanaly

Presenter Information

Sarah Knox, M.D. is an Adult, Adolescent, and Child Training and Supervising Analyst at the Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute.  She is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati, and Member of the Center for Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies at Princeton. She is former chair of the Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute, is on the faculty for the Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Regional Consortium, and maintains a fulltime private psychoanalytic practice.