Training Fees:
Fees for all candidates in 2025-26:
Fees apply to all incoming candidates:
- Training Fee-Adult Program (Years 1-4): $3,000/year (prorated into three terms: fall, winter, spring)
- Training Fee-Adult Program (Years 5+): $1,500/year (prorated into three terms: fall, winter, spring)
- Training Fee-Child Program (annually before completion of adult classes): $1,500/year
- Application Fee: $125/ 2-year program, $250/5-year program
- Supervision Fees: to be negotiated with each case supervisor (ranges from $50/hr. up)
- Analysis: to be negotiated with your individual Training Analyst
*Training Fees are due at the beginning of each term (Fall, Winter, Spring).
SDPC is affiliated with the American Psychoanalytic Association and the International Psychoanalytic Association and is accredited by the California Medical Association (CMA) and the California Association for Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT).