Membership at SDPC

Become a member of SDPC!

Being part of SDPC is about belonging to a community of trusted psychoanalytic-minded colleagues who share your intellectual and clinical passion for depth and human understanding. It provides a place to exchange ideas and insights in a welcoming and supportive environment that fosters mentoring relationships as well as meaningful professional friendships. Our mission is to create an open and welcoming community that encourages collaboration, fosters professional relationships, and provides a supportive learning environment for anyone passionate about psychoanalytic thought.

Membership Categories and Benefits:

Full Membership:

  • Psychoanalytic Members - $1500/yr
  • Psychotherapy Members - $500/yr
  • Semi-Retired Members - $750/yr

Community Membership:

  • Professional Members (clinicians) - $250/yr
  • Community Members (non-clinicians) - $125/yr

Student Membership - $75/yr

Questions: contact our Membership Chair, Benoit Vincent,