Sugarman, Alan. (1977). “Object Relations Theory: A Reconciliation of Phenomenology and Ego Psychology.” Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 41, 113-30. Abstracted in Psychiatry Digest, 69-70.
_____. (1977). “Psychoanalysis as a Humanistic Psychology.” Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 14, 204-11.
_____. (1978). “Is Psychodiagnostic Assessment Humanistic?” Journal of Personality Assessment, 42, 11-21.
_____. (1979). “The Infantile Personality: Orality in the Hysteric Revisited.” International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 60, 501-13.
_____. (1981). “The Diagnostic Use of Countertransference Reactions in Psychological Testing.” Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 45, 473-90.
_____, et al. (1981). “Anorexia Nervosa as a Defense against Anaclitic Depression.” International Journal of Eating Disorders, 1, 44-61.
_____, et al. (1981). “Borderline and Schizophrenic Patients: A Comparative Study of Defensive Structure.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 169, 705-11.
Sugarman, Alan, and C. Kurash. (1982). “The Body as a Transitional Object in Bulimia.” International Journal of Eating Disorders, 1, 57-67.
_____. (1982). “Marijuana Abuse, Transitional Experience and the Borderline Adolescent.” Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 2, 519-38.
Sugarman, Alan, et al. (1982). “Ego Boundary Disturbance in Anorexia Nervosa: Preliminary Findings.” Journal of Personality Assessment. 46, 455-61.
Sugarman, Alan, et al. (1982). “Ego Development in Opiate Addicts: An Application of Loevinger’s Stage Model.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 170, 202-08.
Sugarman, Alan. (1984). “The Use of Deanimated Transitional Phenomena in Paranoid Conditions.” Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 48, 418-26.
_____, et al. (1984). “Psychodynamic Theories of Opiate Addiction: New Directions for Research.” Clinical Psychology Review, 4, 159-89.
Sugarman, Alan, and W. Spear. (1984). “Dimensions of Internalized Object Relations in Borderline and Schizophrenic Patients.” Psychoanalytic Psychology, 1, 113-29.
Sugarman, Alan, et al. (1984). “The Psychological Assessment of Psychopathology in Opiate Addicts.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 172, 156-65. Abstracted in Yale Psychiatric Quarterly, 1984, 7, 15.
Sugarman, Alan, et al. (1985). “Patterns of Ego Boundary Disturbance in Neurotic, Borderline, and Schizophrenic Patients.” Psychoanalytic Psychology, 2, 47-66.
Sugarman, Alan, and L. S. Jaffe. (1990). “Toward a Developmental Understanding of the Self Schema.” Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, 13, 117-38.
Sugarman, Alan. (1991). “Developmental Antecedents of Masochism: Vignettes from the Analysis of a Three Year Old Girl.” International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 72, 107-16.
_____. (1991). “Where’s the Beef? Putting Personality Back into Personality Assessment.” Journal of Personality Assessment, 56, 130-44.
_____. (1992). “A Psychoanalytic Approach to the Inference Process in Diagnostic Testing.” British Journal of Projective Psychology, 37, 34-39.
_____. (1992). “A Structural Perspective on Analytic Activity.” Psychoanalytic Psychology, 9, 433-46.
_____. (1994). “Helping Child Analysands Observe Mental Functioning.” Psychoanalytic Psychology, 11, 329-39.
_____. (1995). “Psychoanalysis: Treatment of Conflict or Deficit?” Psychoanalytic Psychology, 12, 55-70.
_____, and A. Wilson. (1995). “Introduction to the Issue: Contemporary Structural Analysis Critique Relational Theories.” Psychoanalytic Psychology, 12, 1-8.
Sugarman, Alan. (1996). “Scholarly Debate or Ideological Brawl? Reactions to Comments on the Special Section: Contemporary Structural Psychoanalysis and Relational Psychoanalysis.”
Psychoanalytic Psychology, 13, 143-48.
_____. (1997). “Dynamic Underpinnings of Father Hunger as Illuminated in the Analysis of an Adolescent Boy.” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 52, 227-43.
_____. (1999). “The Boy in the Iron Mask: Superego Issues in the Analysis of a 2-Year-Old Encopretic.” Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 58, 497-519.
_____, and K. Kanner. (2000). “The Contribution of Psychoanalytic Theory to Psychological Testing.” Psychoanalytic Psychology, 17, 3-23.
Sugarman, Alan. (2000). “Panel—Meet the Author: Fred Busch.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 48, 581-92.
_____. (2003). “Dimensions of the Child Analyst’s Role as a Developmental Object: Affect Regulation and Limit Setting.” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 58, 189-213.
_____. (2003). “A New Model for Conceptualizing Insightfulness in the Analyses of Young Children.” Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 72, 325-55.
_____. (2006). “Panel Report of Trauma and ADHD.” International
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_____. (2006). “Mentalization, Insightfulness, and Therapeutic Action: The Importance of Mental Organization.” International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 87, 965-87.
_____. (2007). “Whatever Happened to Neurosis? Who Are We Analyzing? And How? The Importance of Mental Organization. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 24, 409-28.
_____. (2007). “Reply to Paolo Migone.” International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 88, 773-75.
_____. (2008). “Fantasy as Process, Not Fantasy as Content: The Importance of Mental Organization.” Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 28, 169-89.
_____. (2008) “The Use of Play To Promote Insightfulness in the Analysis of Children Suffering from Cumulative Trauma.” Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 77, 799-833.
_____. (2009). “The Contribution of the Analyst’s Actions to Mutative Action: A Developmental Perspective.” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 64, 247-72.
_____. (2009). “Child v. Adult Psychoanalysis: Two Processes or One?” International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 90, 1255-76.
_____. (2010). “Panel Report of Convergences and Divergences in Treatments of So-Called ADHD Children.” International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 91, 395-98.
_____. (2010). “Losing a Father All Over Again: The Termination of an Analysis of an Adolescent Boy Suffering from Father Loss.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 58, 667-90.
_____. (2011) “Psychoanalyzing a Vulcan: The Importance of Mental Organization in Treating Asperger’s Patients.” Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 31, 222-39.
_____. (2011). “Riflettendo sul Disturbo da Deficit dell’ Attenzione con Iperattivita (ADHD) secondo una Prospettiva Strutturado Contemporanea, Richard e Piggle.” Studi Psicoloanalitici del Bambino e dell’ Adolescente. 19, 134-50.
_____. (2012). “The Reluctance to Self-Disclose: Reflexive or Reasoned?” Psychoanalytic Quarterly. 81, 627-56.
_____. (2013). The Centrality of Beating Fantasies in the Analysis of a Three Year Old Girl.” Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 33, 351-67.
_____. “Monday-Morning Quarterbacking: A Senior Analyst Uses His Early Work To Discuss Contemporary Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Technique.” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child.
_____. “The Transitional Phenomena Functions of Smartphones for Adolescents.” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child.
Book Chapters
Sugarman, Alan, and H. Lerner. (1980). “Reflection on the Current State of the Borderline Concept.” In Borderline Phenomena and the Rorschach Test, A. Sugarman, et al., eds. New York: International Universities Press, pp. 11-38.
Sugarman, Alan. (1980). “The Borderline Personality Organization as Manifested on Psychological Tests.” In Borderline Phenomena and the Rorschach Test, A. Sugarman, et al., eds. New York: International Universities Press, pp. 39-58.
Sugarman, Alan, et al. (1980). “The Psychological Dimensions of Borderline Adolescents.” In Borderline Phenomena and the Rorschach Test, A. Sugarman, et al., eds. New York: International Universities Press, pp. 469-94.
Sugarman, Alan. (1980). “Projective Tests.” American Academic Encyclopedia. Princeton, New Jersey: Arete, 15, 566.
_____. (1986). “Self Experience and Reality Testing: Synthesis of an Object Relations and an Ego Psychological Model on the Rorschach.” In Assessing Object Relations Phenomena, M. Kissen, ed. New York: International Universities Press, pp. 51-76.
_____. (1986). “An Object Relations Understanding of Borderline Phenomena on the Rorschach.” In Assessing Object Relations Phenomena, M. Kissen, ed. New York: International Universities Press, pp. 77-88.
_____, and L. Jaffe. (1987). “Transitional Phenomena and Psychological Separateness in Schizophrenic, Borderline, and Bulimic Patients.” In The Psychology of Separation, J. Bloom-Feshbach, and S. Bloom-Feshbach, eds. New York: Jossey-Bass, pp. 416-58.
_____. (1988). “Body Self in Paranoid and Chronic Schizophrenic Patients.” In Primitive Mental States and the Rorschach, H. Lerner, and P. Lerner, eds. New York: International Universities Press, pp. 229-54.
_____. (1989). “A Developmental Line of Transitional Phenomena.” In The Facilitating Environment: Clinical Implications of Winnicott’s Theories, G. Fromm, and B.L. Smith. International Universities Press, pp. 88-129.
Sugarman, Alan. (1990). “Bulimia: A Displacement from Psychological Self to Body Self.” In The Psychodynamic Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia, C. Johnson, ed. New York: Guilford Press, pp. 3-33.
_____. (1991). “Termination of Psychoanalysis with an Early Latency Girl.” In Saying Goodbye: Termination in Child Psychoanalysis, A. Schmukler, ed. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Analytic Press, pp. 5-25.
_____. (1994). “Trauma and Abuse: An Overview.” In Victims of Abuse: The Emotional Impact of Child and Adult Trauma. Madison, Connecticut: International Universities Press, pp. 1-21.
_____, and A. Wilson. (1995). “Achieving Structural Change: Forward,” The Ego at the Center of Analytic Interventions and Psychoanalytic Technique, F. Busch. Northvale, New Jersey: Aronson, pp. ix-xiii.
Sugarman, Alan. (1999). “Transference-Countertransference Issues in the Analysis of an Adolescent Boy with Early Loss of the Father.” In The Vulnerable Child, Vol. 3, T. B. Cohen, et al., eds. Madison, Connecticut: International Universities Press, pp. 9-26.
_____. (2001). “The Case of an Angry Two-and-a-Half-Year-Old Child.” In Analysis of the Under-Five Child, R. L.Tyson, ed. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 193-210.
_____. (2002). “Intrapsychic Conflict.” In The Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy, Vol. 2, M. Hersen, and W. Sledge, eds. New York: Academic Press, pp. 57-62.
_____. (2002). “Structural Theory.” In The Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy, Vol. 2, M. Hersen, and W. Sledge, eds. New York: Academic Press, pp. 715-19.
_____, and J. Brown. (2002). “The Oedipus Complex.” In The Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy, Vol. 2, M. Hersen, and W. Sledge, eds. New York: Academic Press, pp. 249-56.
Sugarman, Alan, and C. Law-Greenberg. (2002). “Transference Neurosis.” In The Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy, Vol. 2, M. Hersen, and W. Sledge, eds. New York: Academic Press, pp. 855-59.
Sugarman, Alan, and K. Kanner. (2002). “Topographical Model.” In The Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy, Vol. 2, M. Hersen, and W. Sledge, eds. New York: Academic Press, pp. 835-39.
Sugarman, Alan, and C. de Pottel. (2002). “The Unconscious.” In The Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy, Vol. 2, M. Hersen, and W. Sledge, eds. New York: Academic Press, pp. 875-79.
Sugarman, Alan. (2010). “Neurosis.” In The Encyclopedia of Psychology, Vol. 3, I. Weiner, and E. Craighead, eds. New York: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 1088-90.
_____. (2012). “Masochism in Childhood and Adolescence as a Self-Regulatory Disorder.” In The Clinical Problem of Masochism, N. Kulish, and D. Holzman, eds. Northvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson, pp. 29-50.
Sugarman, Alan, et al., eds. (1980). Borderline Phenomena and the Rorschach Test. New York: International Universities Press.
Sugarman, Alan, et al., eds. (1992). On Loving, Hating and Living Well: The Public Psychoanalytic Lectures of Ralph R. Greenson, M.D. Madison, Connecticut: International Universities Press.
Sugarman, Alan, et al., eds. (1992). The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis, Volume II: A Memorial Volume to Ralph R. Greenson. Madison, Connecticut: International Universities Press.
Sugarman Alan, ed. (1994). Victims of Abuse: The Emotional Impact of Child and Adult Trauma. Madison, Connecticut: International Universities Press.
Sugarman, Alan. (1975). Review of The Privacy of the Self, M. M. Kahn. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 39, 106-08.
_____. (1978). Review of Psychoanalytic Theory: An Exploration of Essentials, G. Klein, and Psychology versus Metapsychology, M. Gill, and P. Holzman. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 42, 79-82.
_____. (1984). Review of The Narcissistic and Borderline Disorders, Masterson, J. Review of Psychoanalytic Books.
_____. (1996). Review of Mahler and Kohut: Perspectives on Development, Psychopathology, and Technique, S. Kramer, and S. Akhtar. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 44, 334-37.
_____. (2003). Review of Father Hunger: Explorations with Adults and Children, J. Herzog. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 84, 775-79.
_____. (2007). Review of Psychosis and Near Psychosis, Symbol, Structure, Treatment, E. R. Marcus. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 55, 705-09.