Colarusso, Calvin A., and R. Nemiroff. (1981). Adult Development: A New Dimension in Psychodynamic Theory and Practice. New York: Plenum. Part of the series “Critical Issues in Psychiatry,” S. M. Woods, ed.
_____. (1985). The Race Against Time: Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis in the Second Half of Life. New York: Plenum.
_____. (1990). New Dimensions in Adult Development. New York: Basic Books.
Colarusso, Calvin A. (1992). Child and Adult Development: A Psychoanalytic Introduction. New York: Plenum.
_____. (1994). Fulfillment in Adulthood: Paths to the Pinnacle of Life. New York: Plenum.
_____. (2008). Desarrolla Psíquico: El Tiempo y la Individuación a lo Largo del Ciclo Vital (Collected papers of Calvin A. Colarusso M.D.). Buenos Aires: Entrevia Editorial.
_____. (2010). The Long Shadow of Chronic Child Sexual Abuse: Developmental Interferences Across The Life Cycle. Jason Aronson.
_____. (2014). The Psychiatric Witness in Court: What Mental Health Professionals Need to Know. Rowman & Littlefield.
Book Chapters
Colarusso, Calvin A., and R. A. Nemiroff. (1982). “The Father at Mid-Life: Crisis and the Growth of Paternal Identity”. In Fatherhood, S. Cath, et al., eds. Boston: Little, Brown.
Colarusso, Calvin A. (1988). “The Child Psychoanalyst as a Traditional School Consultant: A Review of the Application of Development, Psychopathological and Treatment Concepts.” In New Concepts in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, J. Ross, and W. Meyers, eds. Washington, D.C., American Psychiatric Press, pp. 94-118.
_____. (1990). “The Analysis of a Latency Age Boy.” In Psycho-Analytic Case Studies, G. P. Sholevar, and J. Glenn, eds. International University Press, pp. 193-238.
_____, and R. Nemiroff. (1990). “The Impact of Adult Developmental Issues on the Treatment of Older Patients.” In New Techniques in the Psychotherapy of Older Patients, W. Meyers, ed. American Psychiatric Press, pp. 245-64
Colarusso, Calvin A. (1994). “The Approach to Pediatric Patients.” In Practical Pediatric Radiology, 2nd ed., S. Hilton, ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, pp. 1-8.
_____. (1995). “Adulthood.” In Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry/VI, 6th ed., H. Kaplan, and B. Sadock, eds. William & Wilkens, Vol. II, pp. 2495-2506.
______. (1997). “The Fourth Individuation: Separation-Individuation Processes in Middle Adulthood.” In The Seasons of Life: Separation-Individuation Perspectives, S. Akhtar, and S. Kramer, eds. International Universities Press, pp. 73-94.
_____. (1998). “Development and Treatment in Late Adulthood.” In The Course of Life, Vol. VII, G. Pollock, and S. Greenspan, eds. International Universities Press, pp. 185-318.
_____. (2000). “The Analysis of a Neurotic Boy and a Child Analytic Case Report: A 17-Year Follow-Up.” In The Psychoanalytic Study of Lives Over Time B. Cohler, and J. Cohen, eds. Academic Press, pp. 17-48 and 49-66.
_____. 1999). “Adulthood.” In Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 7th ed., B. Sadock, and V. Sadock, eds. Williams & Wilkins, pp. 1962-79.
_____. (2001). “Toilet Training.” In The Freud Encyclopedia: Theory Therapy and Culture. Garland.
_____. (2004). “Adulthood.” In Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry VII, 8th ed. B. Sadock, and V. Sadock, eds. Williams & Wilkins, Volume II, Chapter 50, pp. 3565-86.
_____. (2006). “Psychological Approach to Pediatric Patients.” In Practical Pediatric Radiology, 3rd ed., S. W. Hilton, and D. K. Edwards, eds. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, pp. 641-50.
_____. (2009). “Adulthood.” In Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 9th ed., B. Sadock, et al., eds. Williams & Wilkins, Volume II, Chapter 53, pp. 3909-31.
_____. (2010). “Living to Die and Dying to Live: Normal and Pathological Considerations of Death Anxiety.” In The Wound of Mortality: Fear, Denial and Acceptance of Death, S. Akhtar, ed. Jason Aronson, pp. 107-124.
_____. (2011). “Contributions to the Glossary of Psychoanalytic Terms.” American Psychoanalytic Association.
_____. (2013). “The Meaning of Midlife.” In Updating Midlife, G. J. Montero, et al., eds. London: Karnac Books, pp. 37-46.
_____. (2014). “Fear of Death.” In Fear: A Dark Shadow across Our Life Span, S. Akhtar, ed. London: Karnac Books, pp.169-92.
_____. “Young and Middle Adulthood.” In Handbuch Psychoanalytische Entwicklungwissenschaft (Handbook of Psychoanalytic Developmental Science), G. Posheschnik, and B. Traxi, eds. Giessen, Germany: Psychosozial-Verlag (in press).
_____. “Adulthood.” In Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 10th ed, B. Sadock, et al., eds. Williams & Wilkins (in press).
Book Reviews
Colarusso, Calvin A. (1985). Review of A Developmental View of the Psychoanalytic Process, N. Schlessinger, and F. Robbins. (1983). International Universities Press. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 54:3, 281-86.
_____. (1988). Review of Parenthood: Psychodynamic Perspectives, R. Cohen, et al., eds. (1984). Guilford Press. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 36, 799-802.
_____. (1988). Review of Normality and the Life Cycle: A Critical Integration, D Offer, and M. Sabskin, eds. (1984). Basic Books. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 36, 1090-94.
_____. (1991). Review of Developmental Breakdown and Psychoanalytic Treatment in Adolescence: Clinical Studies, M. Laufer, and M. E. Laufer, eds. (1989). Yale University Press. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 60, 470-74.
_____. (1989). Review of The Middle Years: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, J, Oldham, and R. Niebert. (1990). Yale University Press, Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 60, 637-41.
_____. (2011). Review of Handling Children’s Aggression Constructively: Toward Taming Human Destructiveness, Henri Parens. (2011). Jason Aronson. Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies
Colarusso, Calvin A., and A. Huntley. (1964). “Effects of Day Program Closing on Patients.” Mental Hospitals, Dec.
Colarusso, Calvin A. (1968). “Psychiatric Practice in a Large Air Force Clinic.” Proceedings, Air Force Behavioral Science Convention.
_____, and H. Kolansky. (1969). “Psychiatry for Law Students in a Department of Psychiatry.” Journal of the Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, summer.
Colarusso, Calvin A., and P. Green. (1970-1971, 1971-1972, 1972-1973). “Diagnostic Educational Grouping with Strategies for Teaching—Final Report” (3). Doyletown, Pennsylvania: Buck County Press.
_____. (1971). “Strategies for Teaching: Second Edition, 1971.” Doyletown, Pennsylvania: Buck County Press.
_____. (1973). “Diagnostic Educational Grouping with Strategies for Teaching.” Reiss-Davis Clinic Bulletin, 10:1.
_____. (1973). “Grouping by Psyche.” Teacher, Feb.
Colarusso, Calvin A. (1975). “Johnny, Did Your Mother Die?” Teacher, Feb.
_____. (1976). “Death in the Student’s Family—What Should the Counselor Do?” The Guidance Clinic, Feb.
_____, and R. Nemiroff. (1979). “Some Observations and Hypothesis about the Psychoanalytic Theory of Adult Development.” International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 60:2.
Colarusso, Calvin A. (1979). “The Development of Time Sense from Birth to Object Constancy.” International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 60:2.
_____, and R. Nemiroff. (1980). “Authenticity and Narcissism in the Development of the Self in Adulthood.” Annual, Chicago Psychoanalytic Association, 8.
Colarusso, Calvin A. (1980). “The Psychoanalysis of a Severe Neurotic Learning Disturbance in a Gifted Adolescent Boy.” Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 44:6.
_____. (1984). “The Borderline Child.” The Cutting Edge. University of California, San Diego, 106-22.
_____. (1987). “The Development of Time Sense: From Object Constancy to Adolescence.” Journal of the American Psychiatric Association, 35:1, 119-44.
_____. (1987). “Mother, Is That You?” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 42, Yale University Press, 223-37.
_____, and R. Nemiroff. (1987). “Therapeutic Implications of Adult Developmental Theory.” Journal of the American Psychiatric Association, 144:10, 1263-70.
_____. (1988). “Frontiers of Adult Development in Theory and Practice.” Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21, 7-27.
Colarusso, Calvin A. (1988). “The Development of Time Sense in Adolescence.” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Yale University Press, 43,179-98.
_____. (1988). “The Joys of Psychiatric Practice: One Man’s Experience.” San Diego Psychiatry, 8-10.
_____. (1990). Contributor to Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts, 2nd ed., B. Moore, and B. Fine, eds. American Psychoanalytic Association.
_____. (1990). “The Third Individuation: The Effect of Biological Parenthood on Separation-Individuation Processes in Adulthood.” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Yale University Press, 45, 177-92.
_____. (1991). “The Development of Time Sense in Young Adulthood.” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Yale University Press, 46, 125-43.
_____. (1993). “Play in Adulthood: A Developmental Perspective.” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Yale University Press, 48, 225-48.
_____. (1995). “Traversing Young Adulthood: The Male Journey form Twenty to Forty.” Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 15:1, 75-91.
_____, et al. (1997). “Co-Sleeping (Bedsharing) among Infants and Toddlers.” Contributor to a case discussion. Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 18:6, 408-11.
Colarusso, Calvin A. (1998). “The Development of Time Sense in Late Adulthood and throughout the Life Cycle.” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 53, 113-39.
______. (1999). “The Development of Time Sense in Middle Adulthood.” Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 158, 52-83.
_____. (2000). “Separation-Individuation Phenomena in Adulthood: General Concepts and the Fifth Individuation.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 48, 1467-90.
_____, et al. (2001). “Co-sleeping (Bedsharing) among Infants and Toddlers.” Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 22:2, 567-73.
Colarusso, Calvin A. (2005). “The Evolution of Paternal Identity in Late Adulthood.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 53:1, 51-82.
_____. (2006). “The Absence of a Future: The Effect of Past Experience and Current Developmental Conflicts on a Midlife Analysis.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 54:3, 919-45.
_____, and G. J. Montero. (2007). “Transience during Midlife as an Adult Psychic Organizer: The Midlife Transition and Crisis Continuum.” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 62, 329-58.
Colarusso, Calvin A. (2009). “Introduction to the Korean translation of The Magic Years, S. Fraiberg. Trans. G. Bahn.
_____. (2010). “The Adult and Society: The Elaboration of Erik Erikson’s Legacy to Psychoanalytic Thought.” Psychoanalysis, 21, 32-40, Korean Association for Psychoanalysis.
_____. (2009). “The Relentless Past: The Effect of Chronic Sexual Abuse in Childhood on Fifty Years of Adolescent and Adult Development.” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 64, 320-50.
_____. (2012). “Death, Rejuvenation and Immortality in Film: ‘Cat on a Tin Roof’ (1958), ‘On Golden Pond’ (1981), and ‘Cocoon’ (1985). American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 71:2, 146-61; S. Aktar, ed., A. Morris, trans. (2012). “Mort, Rajeunissement et Vie Eternelle dans ‘La Maison du Lac,’ ‘La Chatte sur un Toit Brulant’ et’ Cocoon’,” Le Coq-Heron.
_____. (2011). Contributor to Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts, American Psychoanalytic Association, Yale University Press.
_____, and G. J. Montero. (2011). “Psychoanalytic Practice: Developmental and Psychopathological Issues of Intrapsychic Aloneness and Loneliness during Midlife. A Clinical Case.” Korean Psychoanalytic Journal, 22:1, 19-26.
Colarusso, Calvin A. (2012). “The Central Masturbation Fantasy in Heterosexual Males: Across the Life Cycle and the Normality-Pathology Spectrum.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 60:5, 917-48.
_____, and S. J. Chun. (2011). “The Use of the Computer and the Internet in Child Psychoanalysis.” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 66, 173-96.
Colarusso, Calvin A. (2013). “Sexual Abuse of Children as the Betrayal of a Sacred Trust.” In Betrayal: Developmental, Literary and Clinical Realms, S. Aktar, ed. London: Karnac, pp. 135-62.
_____. (2014). “Why, Mrs. Robinson: The Seduction of Teenage Boys by Women in Classic Films.” American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 74, 233-49.