For many individuals attachment trauma is at the core of psychoneurosis and personality disorder. Combining theoretical aspects of psychodynamic therapy, developmental neuroscience, and attachment styles provides a useful framework for intensifying emotion and accelerating the course of treatment. Dr. Neborsky will present an actual clinical case of a patient which, in
many ways, has similarities to Freud’s landmark writings about Little Hans and the
unconscious origin of phobic symptoms. The seminar will demonstrate classic techniques of
working with front door defenses and undoing the repetition compulsion.
Participants are encouraged to read the article "Brain, Mind and Dyadic Change Processes”
(Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, Vol.62 (5) 523-538) and the case presented in it,
“The Man Who Hung His Head.” This article contains transcripts of parts of the treatment, as well as additional descriptions of AB-ISTDP. It describes this as a neuroscientific model of change mediated by the bihemispheric field created between therapist and patient, which relies heavily on attachment theory and the work of Mary Main and Eric Hesse.
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Presenter Information
Robert J. Neborsky, M.D., is a psychiatrist in private practice in Del Mar, California, and a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCSD School of Medicine as well as UCLA School of Medicine (Hon). He has authored and co-authored several books, such as Short-Term Therapy for Long Term Change (Norton), Healing Trauma (Norton), and Roadmap to the Unconscious: Mastering Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, (Karnac Books). Dr. Neborsky is one of the founders of ISTDP-UK (Bristol) and ISTDP-London and currently serves as a senior consultant to their training programs. His current research interests include examination of the interface between attachment theory, neuroscience, and psychotherapy.